Aromatherapy Blend Form
Please fill out this form so that I will be able to create a custom blend that is perfectly suited to you. This form will make sure that your blend will not agitate you or trigger any allergens.

Your Details

Please fill in details of who the products are for. Shipping information is separate.

Medical History

Please give as much detail as possible. Include any condition or medication, including those you do not believe are relevant to your selected treatment as it may effect the choice of oils.
This includes off the shelf as well as any prescribed medication.
Please be as specific as possible, e.g. if you have hay fever, specify which plant pollen aggravates you.

Aroma Preference

Please rate your preference for the following aromas and scents:
For example if you are aware of any scents you are allergic to or particularly hate, for example if you generally like fruity but hate the scent of oranges.
Anything else you feel is relevant for completion of product.

Please check that all required questions have been answered.